Our partnership with Pitney Bowes gives us the ability to offer our customers an unmatched source of convenience and flexibility in handling their financial affairs. Pitney Bowes offers these great tips on trends to watch for in 2012.
Mobile Growth
The growth of mobile only increases the mobile network emergence as an important leader in billing. Pitney Bowes predicts 3G Internet and the small screen will emerge a leading player in customer care.
On a Cloud
We will see the continued growth of cloud computing as consumers move increasingly into this area for storage. One by-product of this growth will be the growing concerns of customer privacy. New laws are being written within the United States and Europe to address this area of concern. However, efforts have failed for a full-scale conversion and Pitney Bowes predicts the United States, Europe, and India will be the leaders in continuing the conversation to address this important issue.
Internet Analytics and e-Billing
Internet analytics and customer billing intelligence will cause the emergence of a behavioral-driven experience that is predicated on customer usage.
There is a new kid on the block, and his name is e-bill. We have seen and will continue to see an increase in usage of e-billing among the 20-year-old to 30-year-old demographic of consumers. They are savvy and comfortable with the internet and appreciate the convenience of organized finances, up-to-the-minute account information, and bill due date reminders. In addition, the green aspects of e-billing are very appealing and will continue to make an impact on consumers.
Pitney Bowes references a report by J.D. Power and Associates which shows 30 percent of incoming calling to companies are questions related to billing. In an effort to reduce labor costs companies will continue to embrace paperless statements as a way to clarify billing and reduce call-center resource costs.
Companies will continue to focus on ways to reduce their overall operating costs and e-billing will be on the forefront of ways a business can reduce their labor expenses. Increasing their e-payments, e-billing, and other online services, companies can hope to streamline their operations and reduce their costs. E-billing is an affordable option for both companies and consumers.
Benefits of e-Billing
There are numerous benefits that come from migrating to e-billing. Consumers and businesses alike can enjoy the convenience of online statements, easy bill pay, and late payment reminders. Advanced Mailing Services is more than happy to help put you in the driver’s seat. Give us a call today to see how easy it is to get started!