Friday, January 27, 2012

Pitney Bowes’ Top Tips for Trends in e-Billing for 2012

Our partnership with Pitney Bowes gives us the ability to offer our customers an unmatched source of convenience and flexibility in handling their financial affairs. Pitney Bowes offers these great tips on trends to watch for in 2012

Mobile Growth
The growth of mobile only increases the mobile network emergence as an important leader in billing. Pitney Bowes predicts 3G Internet and the small screen will emerge a leading player in customer care.  

On a Cloud
We will see the continued growth of cloud computing as consumers move increasingly into this area for storage. One by-product of this growth will be the growing concerns of customer privacy. New laws are being written within the United States and Europe to address this area of concern. However, efforts have failed for a full-scale conversion and Pitney Bowes predicts the United States, Europe, and India will be the leaders in continuing the conversation to address this important issue.

Internet Analytics and e-Billing
Internet analytics and customer billing intelligence will cause the emergence of a behavioral-driven experience that is predicated on customer usage. 

There is a new kid on the block, and his name is e-bill. We have seen and will continue to see an increase in usage of e-billing among the 20-year-old to 30-year-old demographic of consumers. They are savvy and comfortable with the internet and appreciate the convenience of organized finances, up-to-the-minute account information, and bill due date reminders. In addition, the green aspects of e-billing are very appealing and will continue to make an impact on consumers.  

Pitney Bowes references a report by J.D. Power and Associates which shows 30 percent of incoming calling to companies are questions related to billing. In an effort to reduce labor costs companies will continue to embrace paperless statements as a way to clarify billing and reduce call-center resource costs.   

Companies will continue to focus on ways to reduce their overall operating costs and e-billing will be on the forefront of ways a business can reduce their labor expenses. Increasing their e-payments, e-billing, and other online services, companies can hope to streamline their operations and reduce their costs. E-billing is an affordable option for both companies and consumers.

Benefits of e-Billing
There are numerous benefits that come from migrating to e-billing. Consumers and businesses alike can enjoy the convenience of online statements, easy bill pay, and late payment reminders. Advanced Mailing Services is more than happy to help put you in the driver’s seat. Give us a call today to see how easy it is to get started!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Strike While the Iron is Hot: Direct Mail Trends for 2012

Businesses searching to ramp up their direct mailings this year should research the current trends and see how they can apply these techniques to increase their market share. A number of trends appear to be hot for 2012. 

In an article online at DMCNY, they expanded on what they saw in terms of direct mail trends and offered a few valuable tips for increasing your direct mail campaign. They focused on a set of trends that consumers are embracing and identified ways to expand your direct mail offers to increase your market share.

Getting the Timing Right: Offering the Right Balance of Special Offers and Discounts:
  • Today’s consumer is focused on receiving the best value for their dollar. To be competitive, businesses must offer well-designed and intriguing direct mailers that offer interesting special offers and discounts. They drive home the point that you need to specifically target your audience and offer them deals that appeal to their lifestyle.    
  • According to DMCNY, the use of demographic tools can focus your direct mail campaign and increase your market share through specific tailoring. This ties directly into specific market targeting. If you have a detailed set of demographics, you can better tailor your mailers and offer your customer what they want.    
Losing the Typecast: There is No Average American
Deliver Magazine expands on the demographic angle and offers these and more tips to increase your direct mail campaign.
  • Our society continues to evolve, and we must use the tools of the U.S. Census Bureau to accurately identify our target audience to succeed
  • According to Deliver Magazine, married couples in the United States are, for the first-time ever in American history, a minority of the U.S. households.
  • Single people living alone now make up over 27 percent of households within the U.S.
Statics such as these can shape your business campaign and alter your marketing plan to cater to a new set of clients. Use these tools to their fullest to receive the best value from your direct mail campaign.

Language Barriers
The most effective and creatively written direct mail campaign can be lost if there is a breakdown in communication. Barriers in language can hamper your goals and make generating revenue impossible. Target your specific audience and identify potential areas of conflict to avoid lose of revenue.

The Keys to the Kingdom
The potential for a successful direct mail campaign are within your reach. You have all the tools necessary to succeed and expand your business. Create a savvy direct mail campaign based on demographics and offer the right blend of discounts and specials. Advanced Mailing Services gives you the keys to the kingdom by offering you a first-rate company and services.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fly Like an Eagle: Mail Presort Services

The growing cost of mailing products makes it imperative to be on the lookout for services that reduce your overall cost. Rates for mailing direct marketing materials, invoices, and account statements are on the rise and companies are increasingly turning to a presort service provider to find solutions. A presort mail service provider can dramatically reduce the overall cost of mail.  

There are strategies available to businesses that will reduce costs and save time in mailing material. The time is now to address the issue of rising mail costs and find a practical solution that fits your needs.    

The Right Choice
The United States Postal Service (USPS) reports that, by presorting your mail and reducing labor costs, businesses can save money by lowering their lower postal rates. Simply by grouping mail within zip codes can dramatically reduce the overall cost of mailing material. The post office states this is one way they pass on savings on commercial postage rates to businesses.

Increase your revenues through a strategy that integrates efficiency and time savings to realize a better solution. You are able to save money with these types of mailings:   

  • Statements
  • Contracts
  • Invoices
  • Bills
  • Catalogs
  • Company Prospectuses
  • Annual Reports
Each of these categories of mail can benefit from presorting and are available to receive discounted rates. The USPS requires a minimum of 200 pieces for Standard Mail® and a 500- piece minimum for First-Class mail. For some businesses, they do not generate enough mail volume to qualify, but with a presorted mailing service, we are able to combine mailers and pass these savings on to you. The benefit is substantial. There is a significant discount by presorting and these savings will continually add up month after month.    

Time Savings
Another advantage of using a presorted mailing service is their ability to bypass the USPS sorting process and save time by eliminating this step. Your mailings move directly onto USPS trucks and head straight to their destination without the wait time necessary to process it. Your statements and invoices as well as catalogs and brochures can be in your customers’ hands quicker.  

We are Here to Serve You    
The advantages of using a presorted mailer service are two-fold. You save money by combining mailers with other postal customers and save time by bypassing the USPS sorting process. 

Here, at Advanced Mailing Services, we are ready to assist you in addressing your mail processing goals. Our staff will be happy to review your mailing goals and give you in-depth information on rates.   

Monday, January 9, 2012

Have it Your Way: The Advantages of Direct Mail Advertising

The growth and successful expansion of your business depends on reaching your target audience and engaging them with informative and beneficial product and service information. Business name recognition and advertising go hand-in-hand. As the public becomes more aware of your goods and services, the more likely they will be to contact you and request additional information or stop in your store and purchase a product.

The main point is to spread the word and make contact and one of the most effective ways to engage and connect is through direct mail advertising. The statistics for a successful direct mail advertising campaign spells out how a flourishing campaign can drive your sales and increase revenue. 

An online article on Microsoft Business by Steve Strauss says direct mail advertising can be a very effective tool to reaching customers. Strauss offers these tips to increase the effectiveness of your campaign:
  • Grab their attention.
  • Find an effective customer base list.
  • Create an innovative and eye-catching ad.
  • Think about all the advantages of direct mail advertising.
  • Remember that perseverance pays off and to plan your direct mail advertising campaign as a long-term investment.
Communication Counts
Your ability to effectively communicate with your customer base and offer sales information, outstanding coupons, and quality merchandise will increase your exposure and profile. A direct mail advertising campaign can be the key to reaching your target audience. Businesses can see a positive return on investment (ROI) with a savvy and well-planned approach to marketing.

We Have Confirmation
The United States Post Office (USPS) offers an innovative service to inform users of direct mail advertising about who is receiving as well as who is not receiving your mailers. This key service called OneCode Confirm® Service can facilitate your business decisions by providing you with vital stats on near real-time information on deliveries.  

According to the USPS, businesses will be able to better manage their supply chain and develop a targeted strategy to improve their future marketing campaigns. With near real-time data, businesses can alter their marketing campaigns to reflect current conditions.  

The Time is Now for Change
The advantages of a successful direct mail advertising campaign can have a significant impact on increasing your company’s visibility and revenues. Planning and developing a savvy campaign directed at your target audience can assist you in increasing sales and promoting your business. Advanced Mailing Services offers answers to your most challenging business problems by offering an array of services designed with you in mind.