Your time and money are important to you and you expect and demand that your advertising dollars return real dividends. This is the only way to succeed in today’s highly competitive business market. You must constantly adjust your strategies and methods to achieve a greater level of success.
Here, at Advanced Mailing Services, we are on the forefront of changing technology and continually look for ways to assist our clients in achieving their goals. This is why we have introduced and campaigned for the use of direct mail automation to support our clients in their specific financial and marketing objectives. Take a few moments to learn of the advantages of direct mail automation.
Direct Mail Automation
Our clients continually ask us to explain direct mail automation. The premise of direct mail automation is mailing addresses are converted into a postal-certified barcode and printed directly on the mail before it is shipped to the post office. When you convert to automation bulk mailings, we use post office approved software to encode your mail. Before your mail leaves our store, it is ready to be shipped and delivered to an address.
Saving Money the Old-Fashioned Way
Anytime you remove a step from a process, you save money. This is where automation comes in. When we ship mail to the United States Post Office, it has to have its address scanned and converted into a barcode. Then the barcode is either printed directly onto the mail or an address label is created.
With automation these steps are eliminated and the mail gets shipped directly. Thus, the post office reduces the cost of the mailer. These savings are passed directly onto you. Your cost to send bulk direct mail advertising is reduced substantially and these savings can be used to increase your marketing audience or in other areas of advertising if you choose.
Reach Out and Touch Someone
Direct mail automation will reduce your overall cost to send out your advertising and increase your response rate. Your goal is to streamline your services and increase your customer response and company revenue. Advanced Mailing Services is here to help. Our direct mail advertising automation will help you coordinate, manage, and process your direct mail campaign.
Our Team is Standing By
Our experienced staff is ready to assist you with all your mailing needs. Talk to one of our friendly customer service representatives and discover how affordable it is to get started with a direct mail automation platform. Don’t wait to begin increasing your sales units. We can have you up and running shortly.
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